Big City: 300,000+ people within city limits
City: 100,000-300,000 citizens within limits
Small City: 20,000-100,000 citizens within limits
Big Town: 7,000-20,000 citizens within limits
Town: 800-7,000 citizens within limits
Small Town: 200-800 citizens within limits
Village: 50-200 citizens within limits
Hamlet: Community with less than 50 members.
A small town generally is community possessing a
post office and not much else.. Maybe a gas station or two. If you live within 10 minutes of a Wal-Mart, chances are you don't live in a small town. Also it should not be said that there is nothing to do if there is a Wal-Mart around, because there is a high probability that there is a theater or fast food restaurant around too.